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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Special Day.

This morning was the healthiest day I never had before...
You know why?
Because I slept at 10.00pm without air-con yesterday night!! and I woke up at 7.00am this morning!!
Maybe that's nothing for some people but for it miracle~~
Then I went jogging with mummy..
Isn't that unbelievable? haha..
Seriously, I couldn't count how many ages I have not sleep that early..
I felt so cold yesterday. That's why I'm so sleepy? Until this morning, it's even colder.. 
I'm shivering.. =S

Anyway, I went jogging with my mum, there is a funny scene that cheer up my day..
I couldn't bear, and I laughed out with hand covering my mouth.
I keep looking at floor and can't wait for him to pass by quickly.
haha.. XD
There was a guy or man placed a cup on his head for morning walk ? 
Like This!

haha...sorry.too free..I'm starting to posing with my mug already..
But it's tiring, my mug is so heavy. that on his head..but of course not as nice as my mug..
he just used a plastic cup..haha..

I think he has a purpose to do that but I just didn't expect some people will do that at a lake or jogging park in the early morning.
So I laughed out. I apologized for that..haha!
Then, I went home and ate a kiwi fruit and took a cold, freezy bath.=S
Even though it is freezing but you will feel nice and fresh after showering with cold water =)


Yesterday, I went to a friend's house have to Disney Marathon as they lovee disney movie including me.
Eventually, we only managed to watch 1 1/2 movie..haha..


We have limited time..
And, of course, gathering moment with friends, com-whoring this activity will never be left out..
We went to a nearby park to capture ourselves..


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