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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

CAMP.. camp.or.base.on.the.pic...

there is a camp for the juniors take their usaha/jaya badge..

it starts form saturday to monday..

unfortunately..i cant make it on saturday..

so i went in the sunday least i manage to go...=)

once i reached..sweetie told me what happened and stuff...

im so dissapointed they is only 9 person in the jaya+usaha camp...=\

...our smelly feet...XD

oh yahz..sunday midnight guys went clean clean their self..b4 starts bbQing they take off their shoes...oMg..jiafu's 1 is the champion of 'fragrance' feet among them..i think can kill the ants when the ants pass by...hahahahsss..ohuh...feel bad saying tis..sorry jf...hahahass...

2nd day..staurday afternoon still got smiley face o...lets see d nex pic...haha

lil sweetie...emo d o...

after the rain....all the bakau was gather here..

.got to bring it to the back later.

we started bbQ-ing monday 3am.

..but they still continue bbQ in the morning as their breakfast...

both of them playing while under the rainie sky .....

yong sui lo...hahass..(ps:wl..dun angry o)hahass..=P

omg..harith! ..posing lik a mak cik..hahass.

..the two silly guys playing in the rain..
~wu liao~ =.=''..aha

monday morning..i starts emoing after the slept of 2 hours...don't know why its just a sudden..after that i become more n more better after that...

especially..after playing the 'wolky-tolky' fun..we keep on disturbing CC while he at upstairs and while we in the scoutroom..

..i think thats all..
~end here~
^have fun in ur holidays...its juz left few appreciate it...ahass..^

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